NGE01 Chronic Addition of Nitrogen Gradient Experiment (ChANGE): Assessing threshold responses of plant community composition and ecosystem processes at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Melinda D. Smith |
2013 to 2021 |
ASD02 Stream discharge measured at the flumes on watershed N04D at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
1985 to 2023 |
ASD04 Stream discharge measured at the flumes on watershed N20B at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
1987 to 2023 |
ASD05 Stream discharge measured at the flumes on watershed N01B at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
1987 to 2023 |
ASD06 Stream discharge measured at the flumes on watershed N02B at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
1987 to 2023 |
ASS01 Suspended sediments in streams impacted by prescribed buring, grazing and woody vegetation removal at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
2009 to 2023 |
AST01 Soil temperature measured in burned, burned-clipped, and unburned plots at Konza Prairie |
Dr. John M. Blair |
1987 to 1993 |
BGPVC Plant species composition in the Belowground Plot Experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. John M. Blair |
1989 to 2024 |
BMS01 Mycorrhizae spore density and composition in the Belowground Plot Experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. David C. Hartnett |
1987 to 1995 |
BNS01 Nematodes density and composition in the Belowground Plot Experiment at Konza Prairie |
Timothy C. Todd |
1987 to 1994 |
BNS02 Belowground Plot Experiment nematode at konza prairie, 1987-2017 |
1987 to 2017 |
CBM01 Plains bison movement patterns in an experimental heterogeneous landscape at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Anthony Joern |
2008 to 2013 |
CBS04 Sweep sample data: prey estimates for Grasshopper Sparrows on Konza Prairie |
Dr. W. Alice Boyle |
2014 to 2020 |
CBS05 Estimates of vegetation structure and composition collected on Konza Prairie watersheds and on the nearby Rannell’s Preserve |
Dr. W. Alice Boyle |
2014 to 2021 |
CBS06 Line transects surveys of breeding birds throughout Konza Prairie |
Dr. W. Alice Boyle |
2017 to 2022 |
CEE01 The Climate Extremes Experiment (CEE): Assessing ecosystem resistance and resilience to repeated climate extremes at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. Alan K. Knapp |
2010 to 2021 |
CGP01 Gall-insect densities on selected plant species in watersheds with different fire frequencies |
Dr. David C. Hartnett |
1988 to 1996 |
CGR01 Sweep sampling of Grasshoppers on Konza Prairie LTER watersheds in 1981 only |
Dr. Anthony Joern |
1981 |
CGR02 Sweep sampling of Grasshoppers on Konza Prairie LTER watersheds |
Dr. Anthony Joern |
1982 to 2024 |
CGR03 Effects of spring burning on Grasshopper Nymphs (1982) |
Dr. Anthony Joern |
1982 |
CGR05 Effects of fire frequency on composition of grasshopper assemblages (1983) |
Dr. Anthony Joern |
1983 |
CME01 The Consumer Size Manipulation Experiment (ConSME) at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Kimberly Komatsu, Dr. Meghan Avolio, Dr. Andrew Hope, Dr. Sally Koerner, Dr. Allison Louthan, Dr. Kevin Wilcox |
2019 to 2022 |
CSA02 Soil Macroarthropod densities and biomass on annually burned and unburned watersheds |
Dr. John M. Blair |
1981 to 1983 |
CSM01 Seasonal summary of numbers of small mammals on 14 LTER traplines in prairie habitats at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Donald W. Kaufman |
1981 to 2013 |
CSM02 Seasonal summary of numbers of small mammals on the four LTER gallery forest and limestone ledges traplines in wooded habitats at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Donald W. Kaufman |
1981 to 1988 |
CSM03 Seasonal summary of numbers of small mammals on the two LTER traplines in planted grassland (Brome fields) habitats at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Donald W. Kaufman |
1981 to 1986 |
CSM04 Seasonal summary of numbers of small mammals on the eight LTER seasonal burn traplines in prairie habitats at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Donald W. Kaufman |
1994 to 2011 |
CSM05 Seasonal summary of numbers of small mammals on the six LTER traplines in prairie habitats on which fire regime has been reversed at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Donald W. Kaufman |
1999 to 2010 |
CSM06 Seasonal summary of numbers of small mammals on miscellaneous traplines in prairie habitats that were trapped from 1 to 11 years at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Donald W. Kaufman |
1981 to 1993 |
CSM08 Small mammal host-parasite sampling data for 16 linear trapping transects located in 8 LTER burn treatment watersheds at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Andrew Hope |
2016 to 2021 |
CSM09 Small mammal host-parasite sampling data associated with the Consume herbivore exclusion plots across two burned and native-grazed watersheds at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Andrew Hope |
2022 |
DEM01 Demographic studies of four forb species at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Allison Louthan |
2020 to 2022 |
EJR01 Foraging decisions underlying restricted space-use: effects of fire and forage maturation on large herbivore nutrient uptake on Konza Prairie |
Edward Raynor, Dr. Anthony Joern |
2012 to 2013 |
ESM01 Fire and grazing modulate the structure and resistance of plant-floral visitor networks in a tallgrass prairie |
Dr. Ellen Welti, Dr. Anthony Joern |
2014 |
FWE01 Effects of browsing and fire on woody encroachment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Jesse Nippert, Dr. Rory O'Connor |
2015 to 2018 |
GFE01 Ghost Fire: an experimental manipulation of fire effects on multi-trophic community dynamics in the ungrazed uplands of unburned and annually burned watersheds of Konza Prairie |
Dr. Sally Koerner, Dr. Meghan Avolio, Dr. David Hoover, Dr. Kimberly Komatsu, Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. Kevin Wilcox, Dr. Lydia Zeglin |
2014 to 2022 |
GIS01 GIS Coverages Defining Internal Boundaries of Konza Prairie (1977-present) |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1977 to 2019 |
GIS05 GIS Coverages Defining Konza Prairie Burn History (1977-present) |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1977 to 2019 |
GIS10 GIS Coverage Defining Roads in and around Konza Prairie (1977-present) |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1977 to 2019 |
GIS11 A GIS Coverage Defining Nature Trails on Konza Prairie (1982-present) |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1982 to 2019 |
GIS13 GIS Coverages Defining Konza Wildfire and Supplementary Burn History (1977-present) |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1977 to 2018 |
GIS19 A GIS Coverage Defining Permanent Structures on Konza Prairie (1977-present) |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1977 to 2019 |
GIS35 GIS Coverages Defining Sample Locations for Belowground Datasets on Konza Prairie (1982-present) |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1982 to 2019 |
GIS40 GIS Coverages Defining the Sample Locations of Konza Consumer Data (1982-present) |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1982 to 2019 |
GIS45 GIS Coverages Defining the Konza Nutrient Data Sample Locations (1982-present) |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1982 to 2019 |
GIS50 Coverages Defining the Konza Producer Data Sample Locations (1982-present) |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1982 to 2019 |
GIS60 GIS Coverages Defining Other Konza Sample and Research Areas (1982-present) |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1982 to 2019 |
GIS68 GIS Coverages of Konza Prairie Research Experiments in 2020 |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
2020 |
GIS70 Konza Prairie Woody Plant Mapping in Core Watersheds (1D, 20B, and 4B) in 2019 |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
2019 |
KBN01 Konza bird nests |
Emma B. Smith, Dr. W. Alice Boyle |
1972 to 2020 |
KEE01 Prairie phenology data from Konza Environmental Education Program (KEEP) since 2001 |
Jill Haukos |
2001 to 2024 |
KFH01 Konza prairie fire history |
Dr. John M. Blair, Patrick R O'Neal |
1972 to 2024 |
KKE01 The Konza-Kruger Experiment: A cross-continental fire and grazing experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. Sally Koerner |
2006 to 2013 |
NBC01 Konza Prairie Belowground Plot Experiment: Soil chemistry responses to experimental manipulations of fire, nutrients and mowing |
Dr. John M. Blair |
1987 |
NBS01 Belowground Plot Experiment: Soil water chemistry from Lysimeters |
Dr. John M. Blair |
1997 to 1998 |
NSC01 Chemistry and physical characteristics of soils from Konza LTER watersheds with different fire and grazing treatments |
Dr. John M. Blair |
1982 to 2020 |
PAB02 Biweekly measurement of aboveground net primary productivity on an unburned and annually burned watershed at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Alan K. Knapp |
1984 to 2000 |
PAB03 Aboveground primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass on LTER watersheds burned at different seasons |
Dr. John M. Blair, Dr. Jesse Nippert |
1994 to 2017 |
PAB05 Aboveground net primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass on the LTER fire reversal experiment watersheds |
Dr. Jesse Nippert |
1997 to 2018 |
PBB01 Belowground Plot Experiment: Aboveground net primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass |
Dr. John M. Blair, Dr. Lydia Zeglin |
1986 to 2021 |
PBB02 Belowground Plot Experiment: Biomass and nutrient content of Rhizomes |
Dr. Charles W. Rice |
1987 to 1994 |
PBB03 Belowground Plot Experiment: Belowground plot experiment: biomass and nutrient content of Roots |
Dr. Charles W. Rice |
1989 to 1994 |
PBG01 Plant species composition in the Patch Burning-grazing Experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. John M. Blair |
2008 to 2024 |
PBG02 Aboveground primary productivity within permanent and rotating grazing exclosures in the Patch-Burn Grazing Experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. David C. Hartnett |
2010 to 2015 |
PBG03 Disk pasture meter measurements to estimate plant standing biomass in the Patch-Burn Grazing experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Anthony Joern, Dr. Jesse Nippert |
2011 to 2024 |
PBG04 Reproductive effort of Big Bluestem, Indiangrass and Little Bluestem in the Patch-Burn Grazing Experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. David C. Hartnett |
2012 to 2023 |
PBG05 Response of bird abundance to the Patch-Burn Grazing experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. William Jensen, Dr. Brett K. Sandercock |
2011 to 2016 |
PBG06 Cattle grazing and cattle performance in the Patch-Burn Grazing experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. K C Olson |
2010 to 2022 |
PBG07 Grasshopper species abundances in the Patch-Burn Grazing experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Anthony Joern |
2010 to 2024 |
PBG08 Grasshopper density survey in the Patch-Burn Grazing experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Anthony Joern, Dr. Jesse Nippert |
2010 to 2024 |
PBG10 Soil physical and chemical characteristics in the Patch-Burn Grazing experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. John M. Blair |
2010 to 2020 |
PBG11 Stream water chemistry for the Shane Creek drainage basin in the Patch-Burn Grazing experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
2009 to 2017 |
PEB01 Aboveground net primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass in grazing exclsoures on bison-grazed watersheds |
Dr. David C. Hartnett |
1992 to 2016 |
PPS01 Konza prairie plant species list |
Dr. Jesse Nippert, Dr. John M. Blair, Jeffrey H. Taylor |
1971 to 2023 |
PRP01 Konza prairie long term restoration study of aboveground annual net primary productivity (ANPP) |
Dr. Sara G. Baer, Dr. John M. Blair, Dr. Scott L. Collins |
1998 to 2019 |
PTN01 Aboveground net primary productivity along transects spanning topographic gradients on an annually burned and unburned watershed at Konza Prairie |
Dr. John M. Blair |
1989 to 1997 |
PVC01 Plant species composition on selected watersheds at Konza Prairie |
Dr. David C. Hartnett, Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1981 |
PVC02 Plant species composition on selected watersheds at Konza Prairie |
Dr. David C. Hartnett, Dr. Scott L. Collins, Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1983 to 2024 |
PWV01 Cover of woody vegetation at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Jesse Nippert, Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1981 to 1986 |
RCS01 Recovery and relative influence of root, microbial, and structural properties of soil on physically sequestered carbon stocks in restored grassland at Konza Prairie |
Drew Scott, Dr. Sara G. Baer, Dr. John M. Blair |
2013 to 2017 |
RFP01 Properties of large hillslope blocks and cliff faces along the cottonwood limestone near the konza prairie nature trail |
Nicholas McCarroll, Dr. Arnaud Temme |
2019 to 2021 |
RIV02 Plant transect data for the N2B experiment at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
2010 to 2020 |
RIV03 Channel morphology in streams in wooded riparian areas and areas before and after canopy cutting at Konza Prairie |
Bart Grudzinski |
2010 to 2019 |
RIV04 Moss cover in streams in wooded riparian areas and areas where canopy had been cut at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
2010 to 2020 |
RIV06 Remote sensing in and around riparian zones at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
2020 to 2022 |
RIV07 Seeding rates woody removal of a tallgrass prairie stream and riparian zone after a decade of woody vegetation removal |
Dr. Walter K. Dodds |
2010 to 2020 |
SDR01 Intra-clonal stem demography of Cornus drummondii in response to fire and browsing at Konza Prairie |
Emily Wedel, Dr. Jesse Nippert, Dr. David C. Hartnett |
2018 to 2019 |
SLP01 Leaf physiology in response to fire and climate within Cornus drummondii shrubs at Konza prairie |
Emily Wedel, Dr. Kim O'Keefe, Dr. Rory O'Connor, Dr. Jesse Nippert |
2015 to 2018 |
SPW01 Spatial and physical characteristics of bison wallows on Konza Prairie since 2011 |
Dr. Eva Horne |
2011 to 2020 |
VIR01 Effects of invertebate and vertebrate herbivory on tallgrass prairie plant community composition and biomass, Konza Prairie LTER |
Dr. Kimberly Komatsu, Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. Anthony Joern |
2009 to 2022 |
WES01 Woody encroachment impacts on the subsurface at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Pamela L. Sullivan , Dr. Karla Jarecke |
2020 to 2023 |
WPE01 Assessing the value added of NEON for using machine learning to quantify vegetation mosaics and woody plant encroachment at Konza Prairie |
Brynn Noble, Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
2021 to 2022 |