PAB01 Aboveground net primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass on core LTER watersheds (001d, 004b, 020b) |
Dr. John M. Blair, Dr. Jesse Nippert |
1984 to 2023 |
PAB02 Biweekly measurement of aboveground net primary productivity on an unburned and annually burned watershed at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Alan K. Knapp |
1984 to 2000 |
PAB03 Aboveground primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass on LTER watersheds burned at different seasons |
Dr. John M. Blair, Dr. Jesse Nippert |
1994 to 2018 |
PAB04 Aboveground primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass on miscellaneous LTER watersheds |
Dr. Jesse Nippert |
1984 to 2016 |
PAB05 Aboveground net primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass on the LTER fire reversal experiment watersheds |
Dr. Jesse Nippert |
1997 to 2018 |
PBB01 Belowground Plot Experiment: Aboveground net primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass |
Dr. John M. Blair, Dr. Lydia Zeglin |
1986 to 2021 |
PBB02 Belowground Plot Experiment: Biomass and nutrient content of Rhizomes |
Dr. Charles W. Rice |
1987 to 1994 |
PBB03 Belowground Plot Experiment: Belowground plot experiment: biomass and nutrient content of Roots |
Dr. Charles W. Rice |
1989 to 1994 |
PEB01 Aboveground net primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass in grazing exclsoures on bison-grazed watersheds |
Dr. David C. Hartnett |
1992 to 2016 |
PEC01 Elemental chemistry of plant tissue collected for the Konza LTER aboveground plant biomass on Konza Prairie core watersheds |
Dr. Ellen Welti |
1985 to 2016 |
PFS01 Reproductive effort of Big Bluestem, Indiangrass, and Little Bluestem on belowground plots |
Dr. David C. Hartnett |
1986 to 1988 |
PGL01 Litterfall collection in riparian gallery forest at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Jesse Nippert |
1981 to 2021 |
PGT01 Konza prairie grass species trait |
Ryan Donnelly, Dr. Jesse Nippert |
2020 |
PPH01 Phenology of selected plant species at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Jesse Nippert |
1981 to 1987 |
PPL01 Konza prairie long-term phosphorus plots experiment |
Dr. Meghan Avolio, Dr. Kimberly Komatsu, Dr. Kevin Wilcox |
2002 to 2021 |
PPS01 Konza prairie plant species list |
Dr. Jesse Nippert, Dr. John M. Blair, Jeffrey H. Taylor |
1971 to 2023 |
PRE02 Reproductive effort of Big Bluestem, Indiangrass and Little Bluestem on selected Konza Prairie LTER watersheds |
Dr. David C. Hartnett |
1982 to 2023 |
PRP01 Konza prairie long term restoration study of aboveground annual net primary productivity (ANPP) |
Dr. Sara G. Baer, Dr. John M. Blair, Dr. Scott L. Collins |
1998 to 2019 |
PRW01 Fine root density and turnover based on root window observations |
Dr. John M. Blair |
1986 to 1989 |
PTN01 Aboveground net primary productivity along transects spanning topographic gradients on an annually burned and unburned watershed at Konza Prairie |
Dr. John M. Blair |
1989 to 1997 |
PVC01 Plant species composition on selected watersheds at Konza Prairie |
Dr. David C. Hartnett, Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1981 |
PVC02 Plant species composition on selected watersheds at Konza Prairie |
Dr. David C. Hartnett, Dr. Scott L. Collins, Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1983 to 2024 |
PWV01 Cover of woody vegetation at Konza Prairie |
Dr. Jesse Nippert, Dr. Zak Ratajczak |
1981 to 1986 |
PWV02 Importance values of gallery forest vegetation at Konza Prairie, 1983 |
Dr. John M. Briggs |
1983 |