
KEE01 Prairie phenology data from Konza Environmental Education Program (KEEP) since 2001


This data represents the "phenology" or timing of observable biological processes, e.g. first day of blooming, first sighting of a migratory species, etc... as reported by volunteers with the Konza Environmental Education Program. The reports do not follow a specific experimental design and are based on the individual's knowledge and skills. Data is also available on the KEEP website (

Core Areas: 

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Volunteers who are visiting the Konza Prairie Biological Station for either personal enjoyment (hiking, looking for wildflowers, etc) or during their volunteer times with the Konza Environmental Education Program make note of phenological events they personally observe. These include sightings of first blooms of specific plant species throughout the year or the first time a migrating bird or hibernating reptile was seen in the spring. A volunteer coordinator compiles the information and it is regularly posted on the KEEP web site to inform volunteers of updates to the list.

Abbreviations: AgF=AgFields, BC=bison corral,BH=Butterfly Hill, BL=Bison Loop, Geo=Geomorphology site, GH=Godwin Hill, HH=Hokanson Homestead, HP=Hulbert Plots, HQ=Headquarters A,B,C,R, KC=Kings Creek, KCT=Kings Creek Trail, KL=Konza Lane, NT=Nature Trail, R1A=Fire Reversal annual burn, RM=RaMPs, RP=Restored Prairie, C3SA,B,C=Shane A,B,C,  C1B=THP=Texas Hog Pasture, WL=West Loop, WP=White Pasture; Watersheds K&N+number+rep; (intro.) = introduced, not native.




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