| NestAutoID | | Physical quantity | Unique identification |
| NestID | | Nominal | Unique name for nest with the pattern watershed-observer-number |
| NestOrientation | | Physical quantity | Bearing toward nest cup opening |
| Watershed | | Nominal | Watershed where nest was found (KNZ codes) |
| DateFound | | Date/time | Date of first nest check |
| FemaleBands | | Nominal | Unique 4 color leg-band pattern |
| MaleBands | | Nominal | Unique 4 color leg-band pattern |
| Observer | | Nominal | Unique code for technicians |
| MethodFound | | Nominal | How nest was found |
| StageFound | | Nominal | Stage of nest when discovered |
| iButtons | | Nominal | TRUE if iButtons placed |
| DateiButtonsP | | Date/time | Date iButtons were placed |
| TimeiButtonsP | | Date/time | Time iButtons were placed |
| DateiButtonsR | | Date/time | Date iButtons were retrieved |
| TimeiButtonsR | | Date/time | Time iButtons were retrieved |
| EggsMeasured | | Nominal | TRUE if eggs were measured |
| EggMeasureID | | Physical quantity | Unique identifier for each egg measured |
| EggMeasureDate | | Date/time | Date eggs measured |
| EggLength | | Physical quantity | Length of egg by calipers |
| EggWidth | | Physical quantity | Width of egg by calipers |
| EggMass | | Physical quantity | Mass of egg in tared weight boat on scale |
| NestlingsMeasured | | Nominal | TRUE if nestlings measured |
| MaxNHostEggs | | Physical quantity | Maximum number of grasshopper sparrows observed in clutch |
| TotalClutchSize | | Physical quantity | Total number of eggs in nest |
| NCowbirds | | Physical quantity | Number of cowbird nestlings in nest |
| BroodSize | | Physical quantity | Total number of nestlings |
| NHostFledge | | Physical quantity | Number of GRSP nestlings fledged |
| NCowbirdsFledge | | Physical quantity | Number of BHCO nestlings fledged |
| DateHatch | | Date/time | Date of first egg hatched |
| HatchDayInferred | | Nominal | TRUE if hatch day is inferred |
| Date1stEgg | | Date/time | Date of first egg layed |
| 1stEggDayInferred | | Nominal | TRUE if egg data estimated |
| 1stEggDateUncertain | | Physical quantity | Level of uncertainty for 1st egg date: No of days +/- in estimate of first egg layed |
| DateFledgeFail | | Date/time | Date of last nest check |
| InferredFateField | | Nominal | Fate of nest deduced in field |
| InferredFateLab | | Nominal | Fate of nest deduced after reviewing iButton data in the lab |
| ComDateVerified | | Nominal | TRUE if nest fate can be verified by iButton data |
| iButtonComDate | | Date/time | Nest completion date as indicated by iButton data |
| iButtonComTime | | Date/time | Nest completion time as indicated by iButton data |
| PartialEggLoss | | Nominal | TRUE if some eggs disappear without reason and without complete nest failure |
| DateCBEggLoss | | Date/time | Nest check date before partial egg loss |
| TimeCBEggLoss | | Date/time | Nest check time before partial egg loss |
| DateCAEggLoss | | Date/time | Nest check date after partial egg loss |
| TimeCAEggLoss | | Date/time | Nest check time after partial egg loss |
| PartialBroodLoss | | Nominal | TRUE if some nestlings disappear without reason and without complete nest failure |
| DateCBBroodLoss | | Date/time | Nest check date before partial brood loss |
| TimeCBBroodLoss | | Date/time | Nest check time before partial brood loss |
| DateCABroodLoss | | Date/time | Nest check date after partial brood loss |
| TimeCABroodLoss | | Date/time | Nest check time after partial brood loss |
| FailTimeStorm | | Physical quantity | Time between nest failure and nearest previous storm time |
| StormSevere | | Nominal | TRUE if most recent storm before nest failure was severe (>=11.65 mm per rain event) |
| PositionRegion | | Nominal | UTM zone |
| PositionX | | Nominal | Easting (latitude) |
| PositionY | | Nominal | Northing (longitude) |