GIS311: Wells in the Kings Creek watershed: These data show sample locations for various abiotic data collected on Konza Prairie (rain gauges, soil moisture, and stream data). Included in these data are the locations for 12 rain gauges (GIS300) on Konza Prairie. The Konza headquarters weather station formerly consisted of two gauges which were operated year-round. The Konza headquarters weather station currently consists of one Otto-Pluvio2 gauge which is operated year-round. The remaining Konza-operated gauges run from April 1 to November 1. These data are to be used in conjunction with the APT01 (precipitation) dataset.GIS305 defines the locations where measurements of soil moisture (%volume) are taken on Konza Prairie. These data are to be used in conjunction with the ASM01 (soil moisture) dataset.GIS310 defines the locations within watershed N4D where samples are taken for analyzing the belowground water chemistry of the watershed. These data are to be used in conjunction with the AGW01 dataset.GIS311 defines the locations of 14 wells at two sites along Kings Creek and 4 wells around headquarters. Depth and nutrient content of groundwater is measured at these sites. These data are to be used in conjunction with the AGW02 dataset.GIS315 defines the locations of stream gauging stations (including one operated by the USGS*) within multiple Konza watersheds. These data are to be used in conjunction with the APT, NWC, ASS, and ASW datasets. (* defines the locations of the rainfall collectors used to collect the samples analyzed as a part of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program. These data are to be used in conjunction with the ANA01 dataset. This is datatype GIS311.