Konza Prairie News
KNZ Investigators, Baer and Smith, featured in NRDC article |
Konza LTER investigators, Sara Baer and Melinda Smith, are featured in a recent NRDC article, entitled "Climate Change May Bring Big Trouble to Big Bluestems (and the Cattle That Love Them)." The article discusses their research on climate changes' effects on big bluestem. |
Konza fire management research featured in EPA Science Matters |
A recent article in EPA Science Matters discusses air management technology the EPA is utilizing at Konza to determine best practices for smoke management. They are using KNZ burned watersheds that have been part of the ongoing season of the year LTER experiment for 22 years. |
Keith Gido featured in online article |
KNZ investigator, Keith Gido, discusses water conservation with regards to the Ogallala Aquifer. |
Wilcox and other KNZ investigators' featured in latest LTER Science Update |
A recent KNZ publication, entitled "Asynchrony among local communities stabilises ecosystem function of metacommunities," is one of the recent publications featured in this month's LTER Science Update. |
KSU awarded $2.65 million to study water, plant and soil microbiomes |
Two KSU distinguished professors will lead an interdisciplinary university team collaborating with four other Kansas universities on a new $20 million project funded by the NSF to investigate how microbiomes of aquatic habitats, plants and soils can enhance agricultural productivity, mitigate environmental problems and conserve native grasslands. |
Professor Macpherson and students featured in KU alumni magazine |
Lessons for a Thirsty World - KU Hydrogeology Seeks Solutions: Among the many discoveries Macpherson and her students have made is that the amount of carbon dioxide in groundwater is increasing just as it is increasing in the atmosphere, except that carbon dioxide is increasing about seven times faster in groundwater than the atmosphere. As the amount of carbon dioxide has increased, so has... |
Konza Prairie receives NSF funding to upgrade bison grazing experiment |
NSF has awarded Konza Prairie Biological Station and the Division of Biology nearly $225,000 to upgrade facilities for the Long-Term Bison Grazing Experiment. The award will provide funds to replace certain section of the Konza Prairie corral area, build 8 additional working pens, provide easier access for researchers along the bison perimeter fence, and additional remote scales to increase... |
Loss of 350 miles of Great Plains streams causing changes in aquatic food web |
The food web in Great Plains streams could be unraveling, according to a Kansas State University ecologist. Keith Gido, professor of biology, and Josh Perkin, a Kansas State University alumnus, recently published "Groundwater declines are linked to changes in Great Plains stream fish assemblages" in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The research maps the... |
Kim La Pierre interviewed in Shorelines |
Kim La Pierre, a Konza LTER reseacher, was interviewed in a recent edition of Shorelines, Life and science at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. |
Dodds receives Society for Freshwater Science Award of Excellence |
Walter Dodds, university distinguished professor in the Division of Biology, is the 2017 recipient of the Society for Freshwater Science Award of Excellence. |