OMS011 [1]
Soil chemistry and microbial diversity at the Belowground Plot Experiment (BGP)
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- Label:
- Definition: Dataset code
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Record type
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: dimensionless
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Unique ID for every sample composed of treatment (burn and fertilization) combination, plot number, and date (YYYYMMDD)
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Field Plot IDs.
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Field Block IDs.
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Plots are either annually burned (B) or unburned since 1986 (UB), B = annually burned since 1986 | UB = no fire since 1986.
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: C = unfertilized control, N = fertilized (10 g N as NH4NO3 per square meter per year), R = recovery (history of fertilization, but fertilization was ceased).
- Type: Code list
- Codes:
- C = control (not fertilized)
- N = fertilized with nitrogen only (10 g N as NH4NO3 per square-meter per year)
- R = historically fertilized with nitrogen only (10 g N as NH4NO3 per square-meter per year from 1986-2016)
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Combination of burn (U or B) and fertilization (C or N or R) treatment. There are 6 combinations: UC, UN, UR, BC, BN, BR
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Month of record
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: dimensionless
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Date that data was collected
- Type: Date/time
- Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Mass of nitrogen as ammonium accumulated late April to early September in micrograms per resin bag (included only in September samples)
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: microgramsPerResinBag
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Mass of nitrogen as nitrate accumulated late April to early September in micrograms per resin bag (included only in September samples)
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: microgramsPerResinBag
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Total extractable organic carbon in micrograms carbon per gram dry soil
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: microgramsPerGram
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Total extractable nitrogen in micrograms nitrogen per gram dry soil
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: microgramsPerGram
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Total soil carbon as percent by weight carbon per weight dry soil
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: percent
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Total soil nitrogen as percent by weight nitrogen per weight dry soil
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: percent
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Gravimetric water content: field water content in grams water gram soil after drying overnight at 105 degrees C.
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: microgramsPerGram
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Soil pH
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: dimensionless
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Nitrification potential: rate of nitrate production in saturing ammonium solution in micrograms nitrogen per gram dry soil per hour
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: microgramsPerGramPerHour
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Denitrification potential: rate of nitrous oxide production from ambient soil nutrients in micrograms nitrogen per kilogram dry soil per hour
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: microgramsPerKilogramPerHour
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: N2O_CN
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: microgramsPerKilogramPerHour
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Microbial respiration: rate of carbon dioxide respired from bulk soil in micrograms carbon per gram dry soil per hour
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: microgramsPerGramPerHour
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Microbial biomass carbon released from chloroform fumigation in micrograms carbon per gram dry soil
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: microgramsPerGram
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Microbial biomass nitrogen released from chloroform fumigation in micrograms nitrogen per gram dry soil
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: microgramsPerGram
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Archaeal amoA gene abundance in gene copy number per gram dry soil
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: numberPerGram
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Bacterial amoA gene abundance in gene copy number per gram dry soil
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: numberPerGram
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = missing samples
- Label:
- Definition: nosZ clade I gene abundance in gene copy number per gram dry soil
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: numberPerGram
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = missing samples
- Label:
- Definition: nosZ clade II associated with Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans gene abundance in gene copy number per gram dry soil
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: numberPerGram
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = missing samples = missing samples
- Label:
- Definition: Bacterial 16S rRNA gene abundance in gene copy number per gram dry soil
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: numberPerGram
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = missing samples
- Label:
- Definition: Quanitity of DNA in micrograms DNA per gram dry soil
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: microgramsPerGram
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = missing samples
- Label:
- Definition: Biosample identification under NCBI Sequence Read Archive Bioproject accession PRJNA577961 (NA = not collected or samples missing)
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
Number of records: